
73 posts


A decent text editor is one of the most important programs on your computer. I use it for coding, for looking at the results of computations, and sometimes simply for taking notes. Since Windows still only […]

How to use large objects in C#

So you’ve got 64-bit Windows, lots of RAM, compiled your C# program as 64 bit application, and you still get the message that an object is too large? That’s because there’s a default 2GB limit to […]

Useful XYZ tiles for QGIS

One of the data types supported by QGIS are XYZ tiles, i.e. tiled image data in a Pseudo-Mercator projection. By default, QGIS only has OpenStreetMap as tile provider. To do so, you right click on XYZ […]

Overriding the QGIS default language

By default, QGIS uses your Windows language as language for the user interface. While this might be desirable to some users, this may also cause two issues: Sometimes, the localization isn’t of the best quality, making […]

How to call C++ DLLs from C#

Most of my code is in C#, but I occasionally encounter functionality that is only available in a C++ DLL. Luckily, it is possible to call C++ DLLs from C#, the main challenge being the difference […]