
My name is Tobias Wittwer, owner of Hai Performance BV. My company focuses on software development, mostly in the domain of geographic information. I also provide services for data processing and subjects related to geodesy and surveying.

I studied surveying and geodesy at the University of Stuttgart from 1999 to 2004. My focus was on surveying with high accuracy requirements (a field dubbed engineering geodesy in German) and navigation. I was mostly interested in the numerical side of geodesy and did a lot of coding. For my master thesis I wanted to be involved with High Performance Computing, and thus arrived at gravity field modelling.

I worked as PhD student at the Physical and Space Geodesy chair of the Delft University of Technology from 2004 to 2009, and got my PhD on the subject of Regional gravity field modelling with radial basis functions. Here I also preferred the numerical side, which gave me the opportunity to use the Dutch National Supercomputer Huygens and administer our own computing cluster.

From 2009 to 2014 I worked at ARCADIS as senior specialist and project leader. Highlights in this period were the monitoring of the 1st Coentunnel, de quality control of the Dutch national height dataset AHN, several large DTM projects, the construction of a 3D city model for the municipalities of Eindhoven and Den Bosch, and the rise of BIM.

I worked at GeoNext from 2014 to 2022, first as specialist and later as co-owner, director, and head of research & development. GeoNext saw tremendous growth in this period, with my contribution consisting mostly of the automatization of our data processing. As a result GeoNext has become a major player in the Dutch market for Mobile Mapping and railroad-related surveying.

In 2022 I decided to proceed on my own and focus on software development, but you can also contact me for other services in the field of surveying, geodesy, and geographic information. You can profit from my 20+ years of experience in software development (in C/C++, C#, Fortran, and Python) and all aspects of geodesy, my extensive social network in the Dutch geospatial world, and my fluent and professional command of the Dutch, English, and German language.